11:04:03 From Marlis R Douglas to Everyone: Agree! I started one, but need Matt to explain it in a simple manner. 11:04:10 From Matthew David to Everyone: You can now sign up to participate in Week 2 Working Circles. Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17ry5-PdWi2UjPUk_VAHZv9MtkMCc7Fuu0laltWsKcOU/edit#gid=0 11:05:16 From Matthew David to Everyone: I've got two Week 1 Working Circles on October 17th that haven't hit their 2 participant minimum yet. If I could get some volunteers for those, I'd greatly appreciate it! 11:07:31 From Matthew David to Everyone: The Literary Lab report: https://litlab.stanford.edu/LiteraryLabPamphlet9.pdf 11:10:32 From Davit Baliashvili to Everyone: C 11:10:33 From Lavanya Vasudevan to Everyone: D 11:10:33 From Megan Urbanski to Everyone: B 11:10:33 From Ambar Kulshreshtha to Everyone: 2.5% 11:10:34 From Emeli Anderson to Everyone: c 11:10:36 From Patricia Zerra to Everyone: B 11:10:36 From Hikari Yoshii to Everyone: c 11:10:37 From Igho Ofotokun to Everyone: B 11:10:41 From Kristin Nelson to Everyone: B 11:10:41 From Henry Blumberg to Everyone: C 11:10:44 From Claire E. Sterk to Everyone: D 11:10:51 From Daniel Graciaa to Everyone: C 11:12:57 From Matthew David to Everyone: The Economist Article that references the Literary Lab Report: https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2017/05/29/a-spat-over-language-erupts-at-the-world-bank 11:25:26 From Matthew David to Everyone: In scriptwriting, the first half of the Special World time of a movie is often called "Fun & Games." The second half is referred to as "The Dark Night of the Soul." The Special World is fun at first, but eventually you want to get out! 11:28:32 From Matthew David to Everyone: You can watch the full Matthew Winker video "What makes a hero?" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhk4N9A0oCA 11:29:03 From Matthew David to Everyone: I'd recommend watching it to the end - it talks about how the Hero's Journey applies to your everyday life. 11:30:34 From Julie E. Claussen to Everyone: And worth watching over again and again as you advance your storytelling skills. 11:31:17 From Matthew David to Everyone: The ABT Blue Card: http://storycirclestraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/ABT_3_steps.pdf 11:32:27 From Matthew David to Everyone: All right everyone, we want you ALL chipping in with notes in the chat room today for these ABT Builds. Use all the tools you've learned so far. 11:32:58 From Matthew David to Everyone: Remember, this is brainstorming. Even if you're not sure about a note, put it in chat anyway. It might spark an idea with someone else! 11:33:51 From Matthew David to Everyone: Ultimate Goal: Predicting epidemic spread. 11:34:08 From Paulina Rebolledo, MD MSc (Emory University) to Everyone: II have to step away for a minute 11:34:20 From Matthew David to Everyone: Proximate Goal (specific action to achieve the Ultimate Goal): evaluate statistical network models. 11:34:37 From Julie E. Claussen to Everyone: What are goals of the models? Why should we care about these models? 11:35:31 From Mike Strauss to Everyone: We have a thing that works well but it's complicated so we need to simplify 11:35:32 From Matthew David to Everyone: Julie, that could make a good IF/THEN. IF we had simpler models, THEN we'd get X,Y, & Z benefits. 11:36:57 From Matthew David to Everyone: You could do a FEAR IF/THEN in the red too. IF we don't work to improve these models THEN that will lead to X. 11:37:09 From Marlis R Douglas to Everyone: The set-up indicates increasing complexity. How can simpler models approximate more complexity? 11:37:20 From Julie E. Claussen to Everyone: Matt - Randy read your mind! 11:37:40 From Matthew David to Everyone: :D 11:39:41 From Matthew David to Everyone: Notice how Randy starts the red with a simple headline statement: for now the models are too complex. That helps to add context at the front of the red, then you can dive down into details after the Because. 11:40:35 From Matthew David to Everyone: Headline statements like that are a big part of Step 3 of the ABT Blue Card. 11:41:11 From Lavanya Vasudevan to Everyone: What would the THEREFORE statement look like in that statement? It seems like the THEREFORE part is already described in the AND and BUT sections. 11:42:07 From Julie E. Claussen to Everyone: simplifying enrollment 11:42:29 From Matthew David to Everyone: Lavanya - if you do a good job in the And/But of setting everything up, for your Therefore you're allowed to dive into deeper details. You can get really specific about what you're going to do. 11:42:55 From Marlis R Douglas to Everyone: What is at stake? Do people with H-C infect other people? 11:43:21 From Lavanya Vasudevan to Everyone: Thanks, Matthew. That makes sense. 11:43:36 From Matthew David to Everyone: Wants vs. Needs is the more "screenwritery" way of saying Ultimate Goal vs Proximate Goal. 11:48:14 From Matthew David to Everyone: To review, the Matt Template is: HEAVEN and HEAVEN but HELL therefore ACTION. 11:49:18 From Matthew David to Everyone: This is another case where Randy and Patricia are both right! One hit the ultimate goal, the other hit the proximate goal! 11:49:40 From Mike Strauss to Everyone: Need to start telling us why the mainstay treatment is good. 11:50:03 From Mike Strauss to Everyone: I see a problem in the blue and another in the red. 11:51:46 From Mike Strauss to Everyone: But inhibitors cause … because we don't understand how they are formed. 11:52:50 From Matthew David to Everyone: Notice how Randy moved the goals into the Blue. 11:53:11 From Matthew David to Everyone: We may have time for a Q&A today! Go ahead and start posting any questions in chat. 11:55:40 From Mike Strauss to Everyone: That process makes the hearer part of solving the problem... 11:56:49 From Matthew David to Everyone: You can also feel free to just turn your mic on and ask a question. 11:57:29 From Marlis R Douglas to Everyone: Question - Can you phrase its as: The set-up explains WHAT is needed and WHY, BUT why it's not happening, and the THEREFORE what CAN be done and how 11:58:46 From Julie E. Claussen to Everyone: I like to think of the THEREFORE as the hope. We have this problem and the therefore give the hope that this problem can be solved. 11:59:57 From Marlis R Douglas to Everyone: Thanks Matt - I like the ‘Headline’, because it means to phrase it simple and snappy 12:00:30 From Mike Strauss to Everyone: What you want is for the hearer to say, Yes, I agree with what you're doing...what you don't want is for them to argue if you're really asking the right question or proceeding correctly...which happens if your A and B aren't clear. 12:00:31 From Julie E. Claussen to Everyone: I see your point - Hope exists in Heaven. 12:00:46 From Marlis R Douglas to Everyone: Yes, the Context is so important for the audience - what they want to hear 12:00:49 From Matthew David to Everyone: And the Action is where we roll up our sleeves and get to work.