15:43:32 From Matthew David to Everyone: Matthew Winkler Video - What Makes a Hero? https://youtu.be/Hhk4N9A0oCA Ultimate Goal: Treating irreversible blindness. Proximate Goal (the specific action to achieve the Ultimate Goal): Leveraging human genetics. 15:49:05 From Matthew David to Everyone: Ultimate Goal: Treating irreversible blindness. Proximate Goal (the specific action to achieve the Ultimate Goal): Leveraging human genetics. 15:50:20 From claire pairaud to Everyone: current drug discovery approaches have plateaued? 15:51:14 From Matthew David to Everyone: Genetics seems to be the key feature of this ABT, but it's not mentioned until the Green section. 15:52:18 From Matthew David to Everyone: Whenever you have a big, "heroic" idea, you want to get it into your ABT as soon as possible to get it into the audiences mind and to build up the appropriate context for it. 15:52:59 From Matthew David to Everyone: In this ABT, genetics is the "hero." It's the proximate goal that leads us to succeeding at the ultimate goal. If it's that important, you want to talk about it asap, not at the very end. 15:54:45 From Matthew David to Everyone: Perfect! That's a great dive down into specifics using a BUT/BECAUSE! 15:57:42 From Matthew David to Everyone: Ultimate Goal: Achieve rigorous informatics. Proximate Goal: Getting flexible data curation. 15:58:47 From Matthew David to Everyone: This is a very very very common, repeating pattern we see with ABTs. So often, the most important thing about an ABT, the entire point of it, will be mentioned at the very, very end. 15:59:22 From Matthew David to Everyone: One of our big goals in this class is moving your most important topic from the very end to the beginning and to be talking about it from the get go.