11:07:16 From Matthew David to Everyone: I've got 3 Working Circles for later this week that haven't hit their 2 participant minimum yet. You can sign up for them here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17ry5-PdWi2UjPUk_VAHZv9MtkMCc7Fuu0laltWsKcOU/edit#gid=0 11:16:26 From Matthew David to Everyone: My take on a cABT: There's this thing people want, but we can't tell if it's good enough, therefore we need a way to find out if it's good enough. 11:17:11 From Matthew David to Everyone: As usual, Randy manages to simplify it down even more than I did... 11:20:36 From Matthew David to Everyone: For different audiences, I always recommend modifying your ABT for each audience - don't try to combine it all into 1 ABT. You need to answer the questions "What's at stake?" and "Why is this important?" in the Blue, and those answers are going to be different for each audience.\ 11:24:42 From Matthew David to Everyone: The Matt Template is the simplified version of the Emotional Acid Test (Anh, Wow, Oof, Gotcha). 11:26:13 From Matthew David to Everyone: The goal of the Matt Template is to push you to try to keep problems out of the And material - we just want non-problem agreement material that everyone can get on board with. 11:27:28 From Matthew David to Everyone: The BUT sounds more like a specific BECAUSE. 11:30:14 From Matthew David to Everyone: Yes! That's the kind of specifics we want to know about. 11:30:23 From CharlesDelahunt to Everyone: Perhaps the Matt template could be: Earth and Heaven, but Hell, therefore Action (since the opening clause is "ordinary world", and since it then covers the 3 planes). 11:31:21 From Matthew David to Everyone: Charles - I really like that! I'll have to run it by Randy. 11:33:06 From Matthew David to Everyone: Pay attention to how Nancy structures this talk. You'll notice that she uses nested ABTs all throughout it. 11:38:04 From Matthew David to Everyone: Individuals with greater science literacy and education have more polarized beliefs on controversial science topics – The paper Nancy referenced that shows how science literacy and political affiliation effect belief in controversial topics. Despite what scientists would like to believe, more information isn’t always the right answer: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5594657/ 11:41:05 From Matthew David to Everyone: We should have time for a Q&A today. If you have any questions for Nancy or Randy, be sure to post them here in chat or hit the Raise Hand button and I'll call on you. 11:49:28 From Matthew David to Everyone: Park Howell from the Business/Marketing world will go into detail on Amplifying the Pain. 11:54:45 From Matthew David to Everyone: Any questions for Nancy or Randy? 11:55:55 From Matthew David to Everyone: It takes more effort at first, but after a while you do start to gain intuition and it gets easier.