10:06:35 From Matthew David To Everyone: You can sign up to participate in other people's Working Circles here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nmaxeyGKnqRVI8oWEam15Oqkec1BXwYeAVpBcaTyl2Y/edit#gid=0 10:07:17 From Matthew David To Everyone: At minimum, you have to participate in 2 other people's Working Circles, but there is no maximum! Sign up to participate in as many as you want. 10:17:47 From Jamal Yearwood To Everyone: how long do working circles last? 10:18:07 From Matthew David To Everyone: 30 minutes, and we're pretty strict about that. 10:22:50 From Matthew David To Everyone: Matthew Winkler Video: What makes a hero? – We only watched the first two minutes in class. Watch this to the end to see how the hero’s journey applies to your life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhk4N9A0oCA 10:28:30 From Matthew David To Everyone: Bankspeak: The Language of World Bank Reports, 1946–2012 – The Literary Lab report on how the World Bank reports are completely unreadable, due in no small part to the overuse of the word “and” to glue together contradicting statements: https://litlab.stanford.edu/LiteraryLabPamphlet9.pdf 10:30:31 From Josh Bishop To Everyone: C 10:30:34 From Manuela Dorado Novoa To Everyone: B 10:30:34 From Sydney Garfinkel (She/Her) To Everyone: C 10:30:37 From Stephen Burkot To Everyone: B 10:30:37 From Andrea Vargas Guerra To Everyone: C 10:30:39 From Safyya Cissé To Everyone: B 10:30:39 From Bernhard ("Bear-n-hard") Weigl, pronouns he, him To Everyone: b 10:30:41 From SpencerGaring To Everyone: B 10:30:42 From Jamal Yearwood To Everyone: D 10:30:46 From Sourabh Kulhare To Everyone: B 10:31:35 From Matthew David To Everyone: The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English is a 7 year foundational study that took a quantitative analysis approach to the English language. It found that the ideal percentage of Ands in a well edited document tends to converge around 2.5% - https://www.amazon.com/Longman-Grammar-Spoken-Written-English/dp/0582237254/ 10:31:59 From Matthew David To Everyone: You can use this word frequency tool to find the number of Ands in your own document, then divide that by the total number of words to find your And Frequency. We consider an And Frequency of over 4% to be indicative of “deadly levels of boring.” The closer to 2.5% you are, the better. - https://www.browserling.com/tools/word-frequency 10:34:05 From Matthew David To Everyone: A spat over language erupts at the World Bank – The somewhat dismissive Economist article on the “conjunction dysfunction” about the Literary Lab’s report. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2017/05/29/a-spat-over-language-erupts-at-the-world-bank 10:35:59 From Matthew David To Everyone: Checking your And Frequency (AF) is a very actionable step you can take to check how well edited your document is. And 2.5% isn't just for broad publications like the New York Times. I've seen published science papers that hit 2.5%. 10:37:50 From Matthew David To Everyone: In the Entertainment word, we call AAA stories "art house movies." 10:38:14 From Josh Bishop To Everyone: Reacted to "In the Entertainment..." with 😂 10:41:00 From Matthew David To Everyone: Once again, we really want you to participate in chat for these ABT Builds. The more you practice now, the smoother your Working Circles will be. 10:41:47 From Matthew David To Everyone: For this ABT, see if you can determine what this is a story of? What is the Point A to Point B journey that takes place? 10:42:36 From Matthew David To Everyone: Point A. What is the starting undesired state? Point B. What is the ending desired state? 10:43:14 From Josh Bishop To Everyone: Journey through a "special world" with a landscape deadly to diagnostic technologies 10:45:27 From Matthew David To Everyone: Point A. Succumbing to mistakes. Point B. Overcoming mistakes. 10:45:57 From Josh Bishop To Everyone: "Mistakes were made" 10:46:28 From Matthew David To Everyone: The next common question we always ask is "What is the problem?" See if you can fill in this sentence using only 5 additional worlds: "The Problem is _____." 10:46:32 From Matthew David To Everyone: Reacted to ""Mistakes were made"" with 😂 10:48:00 From Josh Bishop To Everyone: ...making diagnostics available to LRS? 10:48:03 From Safyya Cissé To Everyone: The problem is: no commercially viable and low-cost diagnostic 10:48:46 From SpencerGaring To Everyone: Reacted to "The problem is: no c..." with 👍 10:49:20 From Jamal Yearwood To Everyone: sustainable diagnostic delivery 10:49:26 From Josh Bishop To Everyone: Bernhard: "...lack of sustained product success" 10:49:40 From Safyya Cissé To Everyone: is the problem the creating the product or launching the product? 10:49:46 From Stephen Burkot To Everyone: Reacted to "is the problem the c..." with 👍 10:50:15 From Matthew David To Everyone: Safyya - Good! That is exactly the kind of question you should be asking of your host during a Working Circle. 10:50:42 From Safyya Cissé To Everyone: Reacted to "Safyya - Good! That..." with 👍 10:51:33 From Matthew David To Everyone: Three Forms of the ABT – It’s recommended you read this excerpt from Houston, We Have a Narrative and get an understanding of the cABT (Conversational ABT). http://www.storycirclestraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/THE-3-FORMS-OF-THE-ABT.pdf 10:52:36 From Matthew David To Everyone: The cABT (Conversational ABT) is extremely helpful in getting down to the core of your narrative. I've found it's an excellent way to make sure you're being logically consistent with the narrative. 10:55:26 From Manuela Dorado Novoa To Everyone: What is PSA? 10:56:56 From Josh Bishop To Everyone: solution focuses on cost effectiveness, but problem focuses on reliability? 10:57:12 From Manuela Dorado Novoa To Everyone: What type of breaks? That can help hone down on the solution. 10:57:40 From Matthew David To Everyone: My take... Proximate goal is: change to liquid oxygen. Ultimate goal is: become more cost-effective 10:58:25 From Josh Bishop To Everyone: are the PSA plants cost-effective? 10:58:54 From Matthew David To Everyone: Josh - good catch. I think Safyya's current BUT is more like a detailed BECAUSE. My take: BUT we're not cost-effective right now BECAUSE PSA plants are prone to breaks.... 11:00:18 From Josh Bishop To Everyone: are you using the word "potentially" because your cost analysis of the liquid oxygen isn't complete yet? 11:00:28 From Safyya Cissé To Everyone: Replying to "are you using the wo..." exactly! 11:00:30 From Matthew David To Everyone: Reacted to "are you using the wo..." with 👍 11:00:42 From Stephen Burkot To Everyone: Reacted to "are you using the wo..." with 🤔