11:03:20 From Matthew David To Everyone: Yup, go ahead and mute/turn off your video for now. 11:13:16 From Matthew David To Everyone: Risk Communication on Climate: Mental Models and Mass Balance – The IPCC Report on climate change is supposed to be simple enough for policy makers to interpret it, but it’s so complicated that even MIT grads with STEM backgrounds can’t decipher it: http://www.storycirclestraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/StermanPolicyForum081024.pdf 11:14:21 From Matthew David To Everyone: You have to know if what ChatGPT is giving you is actually any good or not! 11:22:11 From Matthew David To Everyone: Uri Hasson’s Paper on Neurocinematics – For a look at how narrative and non-narrative affects the brain: https://www.cns.nyu.edu/~nava/MyPubs/Hasson-etal_NeuroCinematics2008.pdf 11:22:28 From Marlis R Douglas To Everyone: Reacted to "You have to know if ..." with 👍 11:25:40 From Matthew David To Everyone: For narrative, being clear on the central problem is your starting point. 11:25:40 From ken liu To Everyone: These kids went out and had a lot of fun, but they came back late, therefore they are in big trouble? 11:25:54 From Marlis R Douglas To Everyone: Reacted to "These kids went out ..." with 👍 11:27:17 From David Parker To Everyone: I should have just read this response 11:27:24 From Matthew David To Everyone: Reacted to "I should have just r..." with 😂 11:27:45 From Rick Nelson To Everyone: Reacted to "These kids went out ..." with 👍 11:28:24 From Marlis R Douglas To Everyone: Replying to "I should have just r..." The point for ALL of us is to engage our narrative brain! It’s always harder when put on the spot. 11:29:49 From ken liu To Everyone: That was fun 11:30:08 From Marlis R Douglas To Everyone: Replying to "That was fun" Great twist! 11:35:06 From Matthew David To Everyone: John Roome has become a narrative machine. We've kept an archive of all of his ABT World Bank videos on our website. He's our World Bank ABT all star: http://abtframework.com/the-john-roome-world-bank-abts/ 11:36:41 From Matthew David To Everyone: I have a resource page setup for this class in which I'll post links for the references used in class, archives of the chat log, and optional exercises. I'll be updating it after each session. You can find it here: http://abtframework.com/abt-framework-student-resource-page-round-37-emory-mscr-515/ 11:48:56 From Matthew David To Everyone: Here's a pdf of the 3 Step Model (aka the ABT Blue Card). We recommend you have this nearby for the ABT Build sessions: http://storycirclestraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/ABT_3_steps.pdf 11:49:59 From Matthew David To Everyone: If you'd like to check out our podcast, you can find links to your podcast platform of choice (Spotify, Apple, etc) in the social media section of our Resource Page: http://abtframework.com/abt-framework-student-resource-page-round-37-emory-mscr-515/#social 11:52:04 From Matthew David To Everyone: To be clear, for the Lecture portion of the class, feel free to take as many notes as you want. But during the ABT Build sessions...no notes! Instead, listen and contribute in chat! 11:52:55 From Matthew David To Everyone: To all my veterans, feel free to dive into chat for the ABT Build today! 11:53:22 From Matthew David To Everyone: Devo, Marlis, Rick, Lisa, Albertha, I'm calling you all out! 11:53:50 From Marlis R Douglas To Everyone: Reacted to "Devo, Marlis, Rick, ..." with 👍 11:54:31 From Rick Nelson To Everyone: Linking 11:54:40 From Albertha Joseph-Alexander To Everyone: Outcomes 11:54:49 From Matthew David To Everyone: Randy will ask "What is this a story of..." for roughly 99% of ABT Builds. I'd recommend trying to figure out your "story of" ahead of time! 11:55:36 From Matthew David To Everyone: The key for the "story of" is figuring out what the process of change is during the story. In this case, Point A: Not linked. Point B: Linked. 11:56:22 From Matthew David To Everyone: If it feels like we're overwhelming you in this, don't worry, we'll be doing this same process again and again and again. It's through the reiteration, the practice, that you start learning this stuff. 11:57:08 From devo brown To Everyone: simplicity + repetition = intuition 11:57:20 From Matthew David To Everyone: Wants vs Needs is the Hollywood screenwritery way of saying Ultimate vs Proximate. We use those sets of terms interchangeably. 11:57:34 From Albertha Joseph-Alexander To Everyone: Is the products affecting ethnicity disproportinately? 11:58:21 From Matthew David To Everyone: Ultimate goal: The big picture thing you're trying to accomplish. Proximate goal: The immediate goal you need to achieve to move you toward the Ultimate. 11:58:48 From Rick Nelson To Everyone: You can’t do this alone. Therefore, Working Circles. 11:58:55 From Matthew David To Everyone: Reacted to "You can’t do this al..." with 👍 11:59:09 From devo brown To Everyone: Reacted to "You can’t do this al..." with 👍🏼 11:59:16 From Matthew David To Everyone: Rick - Yes! You need multiple brains to grind away on narrative like this. 12:00:28 From Albertha Joseph-Alexander To Everyone: I am not clear why this product can affect black women more? 12:00:42 From Matthew David To Everyone: Paint a picture of a perfect, beautiful world in the AND, then take that world away from us in the BUT. Create a huge narrative contrast to get attention and activate the brain! 12:02:05 From Matthew David To Everyone: A bit part of this class is to give the audience the context as to why what you have to say is important as quickly as possible. Set the stakes and do so asap. 12:02:27 From M. Ryan Smith To Everyone: Thank you all so much, 12:02:27 From Ava Reck Rognstad To Everyone: Thank you! 12:02:28 From David Parker To Everyone: Have a good day! 12:02:33 From Zeke Gleichgerrcht To Everyone: Thanks! 12:02:34 From ken liu To Everyone: thanks!